vaevictis asmadi the dire
Too-Specific Top 10 - Guff Rewrites Removal
Will Guff rewrite history for Commander and cEDH? Doug treats us to a brand new narrative with some interesting interactions.
Achievement Unlocked - Building a Literal Elder Dragon Highlander Deck
Benjamin's brewing an 'Elder Dragon' Elder Dragon Highlander deck!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Evolving More
Can Doug construct a deck entirely from his Too-Specific Top 10s?
Too-Specific Top 10 - Format Foundations
Core Sets have released some truly fascinating legends... let's look at the most popular ones!
Will War of the Spark Make "Oops, All Planeswalkers" Viable in All Colors?
Will the new War of the Spark planeswalkers make all-planeswalker decks possible?
Heart of the Cards—Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire
Establishing a base of Vaevictus staples and potential different directions for the heart of the deck.
Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi 2, the Budget
Vaevictis the Dire... On a Budget! As a new twist, I'm writing a follow-up article to a previous commander. In my last article about , I made a deck list that I felt comfortable playing. Only later did I look at the per-card budget lines of the deck and realize that I made a lot of […]
Commander Focus — Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
Long Live the New Narset You might think she's cute, flying around with an shouting "LOOK AT ME! I HAZ ELDRITCH TENTACLES! I AM EMRAKUL!" and you point and laugh because she's pretending to be Emrakul. Then she attacks you and reveals the top card and behold, it's and you stop laughing, but only briefly, […]
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