saskia the unyielding

The Knowledge Pool -- Saskia the Unyielding

The Knowledge Pool -- Saskia the Unyielding

Scot Sutton
Scot Sutton
Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool. It's been a little while, but last time I teased a deck based around , and after much tinkering I've come up with a list that I believe will abuse it to the fullest extent. We're going to explore the blood-drenched world of . Before I get […]
Dig Through Time — Urza's Block

Dig Through Time — Urza's Block

Dean Gootee
Dean Gootee
Welcome back to another Dig Through Time, and I apologize for the delay between our last column and today's. Just an FYI, this series is going to become slightly more intermittent, dropping down to once a month or so for the time being, as my family welcomed my second baby on November 21st (fingers crossed […]
Low Market — Lightning Strikes Twice

Low Market — Lightning Strikes Twice

Quinn Miller
Quinn Miller
Saskia the Unyielding art by Greg Opalinski Lightning Strikes Twice Whether you're a grizzled Magic veteran or a bushy-tailed new player, chances are good that at some point before learning to play you listened to someone discussing the game and said to yourself, "I recognize the words they're using, but they may as well be speaking a different language." […]
EDH Political Science — Saskia and the Olive Branch

EDH Political Science — Saskia and the Olive Branch

Rick Amundson
Rick Amundson
Have you ever been stabbed in the back? No, I haven’t had someone put a knife in my spine either, but having a friend betray you at the last moment is devastating. Nation-states try to prevent this sort of betrayal by creating treaties. They do act similarly to the ones you crafted when you realized […]
Dig Through Time — Invasion

Dig Through Time — Invasion

Dean Gootee
Dean Gootee
Hello there, I'm Dean Gootee and welcome to the Dig Through Time series! Like so many readers I started playing Magic: The Gathering at a friend’s kitchen table. I had dabbled a bit in school, but it wasn't until Scars of Mirrodin block that I was hooked. I quickly discovered that my favorite part of the game was pouring through […]