grenzo dungeon warden
Wombo Combo - Rakdos Edition
Ethan shows us the devilishly red and black side of everyone's favorite Ravnican fun circus: Rakdos.
Too-Specific Top 10 - Orcsy +1/+1 Counters
Orcs, Goblins, and counters, oh my! Doug takes us through the top ten cards that care about two of the three.
Solve the Equation – Maybe You Should Mulligan More
Are you using the mulligan enough? How do some commanders benefit MORE from mulligans?
Mind Bend - Rakdos Walls
Have Arcades and Doran "solved" defender decks? Two words: Vent Sentinel
Commander Showdown - Grenzo vs Alesha
Mini Minions Some colors in Magic: the Gathering like to play the "go big or go home" game. In green, for example, we see , , , and a myriad of other effects that reward you for playing enormous monsters. Other colors, however, prefer to go wide rather than tall. White, with its and effects, loves legions […]
Dig Through Time — Urza's Block
Welcome back to another Dig Through Time, and I apologize for the delay between our last column and today's. Just an FYI, this series is going to become slightly more intermittent, dropping down to once a month or so for the time being, as my family welcomed my second baby on November 21st (fingers crossed […]
Dig Through Time — Future Sight
Up until today's article Dig Through Time has only examined sets from Magic's past. Today I want to go to the future. That's right, I could no longer stop myself. It's finally time to talk about Future Sight! I remember cracking packs of this set back in 2007 when I was in college. I was super duper […]
Pyramid Theory 101 — Gambling with Power
Greetings everyone, I'm back once again to highlight the deckbuilding process through the use of Pyramid Theory. This time I discuss 'all-in' strategies, and the gambling it brings to the table. What do I exactly mean by 'all-in' strategies? All-in strategies are hyperlinear that accept the risks involved with only having one gameplan. Some commanders […]