kemba kha regent
Commander Showdown - Equipment Battle Royale
Dreaming of a Mono-White Christmas It's that time of year! Folks are lighting their es, chopping down s to dress them up with s, and desperately avoiding their grandmother's recipe. It's also the time of year that we take all our new toys and equip them to an awesome creature and bash our opponents' life […]
Commander Showdown — Valduk vs Kemba
Red & White Equipment Red and white are frequently admonished for their weaknesses in the Commander format. Both colors have limited access to mana ramp and card draw effects, which makes for a difficult time in a multiplayer environment. In 1-on-1 games like Standard and Modern, Red and White make up for this lack of […]
Dig Through Time — Time Spiral
Maybe you've noticed a theme in my last two columns. First we did Future Sight. Then we visited Planar Chaos. Hm, is this a pattern? Yes, we've been doing Time Spiral block in reverse, and that means that today we're going to the past to visit the set that kicked off this crazy block. In addition to bringing […]