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Making the Cut - Lowering the Mana Curve

Making the Cut - Lowering the Mana Curve

Making the Cut - An Intro! Hello, and welcome to Making the Cut, where we look at the pros and cons of those last few cards in the 99. My name is Doug, and I’ve been playing Magic off and on since Fallen Empires. This not only explains my irrational love of , but also […]
Dig Through Time — Time Spiral

Dig Through Time — Time Spiral

Dean Gootee
Dean Gootee
Maybe you've noticed a theme in my last two columns. First we did Future Sight. Then we visited Planar Chaos. Hm, is this a pattern? Yes, we've been doing Time Spiral block in reverse, and that means that today we're going to the past to visit the set that kicked off this crazy block. In addition to bringing […]