ramos dragon engine
From the Brim to the Trim - Happily Ramosing Budget and Opponents Alike
Arnaud builds a budget spells-based deck built around a Dragon commander!
Achievement Unlocked - Building a Literal Elder Dragon Highlander Deck
Benjamin's brewing an 'Elder Dragon' Elder Dragon Highlander deck!
Superior Numbers - Five Lessons Learned from Brewing with Five Colors
Learning some important lessons for a five-color brew
Top Commanders of 2019
Nate goes step-by-step through 2019's commander popularity races
EDHRECast Ep99 - High Variance Commanders vs Low Variance Commanders ft. Commander Cookout
EDHREC is joined by Commander Cookout to discuss the "Spiciest" commanders in all of EDH - the commanders with the highest and lowest degrees of variance within their decks! Which features cause a commander's deck to look similar to others, and which qualities make that commander's 99 unpredictable? Check out CCO at commandercookout.com ENTER […]
Commander Showdown - Ramos vs Niv-Mizzet Reborn
These five-color dragons both love multicolored spells... but how do their decks differ?
Cure for the Common Game - That 370's Show
Welcome to my quest of building an EDH deck for every legendary creature. Today we are looking at decks #370 through #379. Deck # 370 - This Homelands gem has no use for the combat step. Deck #371 - That's right, two Homelands legends in a row, and they both start with the letter R. […]
Commander Showdown — Ramos vs Jodah
Five Color Fantasies Dominaria is here at last, and with it, we dive into a whole new slew of fantastic commanders. There's a brand new five-color commander on everyone's mind, who just narrowly won the vote from the last Commander Showdown. Folks are already staring to brew with him here on EDHREC: . Jodah's color […]
General Medicine — Ramos and His Flashy Counters!
Making the Rounds I want to begin today's article by extending another sincere thank you to everybody who has sent me deck submissions so far. There are more of you than I initially expected, and even in my own fantasy I didn't anticipate how many would be willing to put their decks under the knife. […]
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