elder dragons
Top 10 Multi-Colored Cycles
Elder Dragons and multicolor cycles are the star of this top 10 EDH list!
Achievement Unlocked - Building a Literal Elder Dragon Highlander Deck
Benjamin's brewing an 'Elder Dragon' Elder Dragon Highlander deck!
Turning Data to Decks - Creating an EDH Cube
Kya Vess
Holiday Announcements Hello Everyone! Excited for Thanksgiving? I know I am! Before we dive into today's article, two important announcements! First, we have an official date for the EDH Scavenger Hunt this year. It will be December 9th at 11:00am! As a reminder, it will be located at UCF, here in Orlando. There is a […]
Playgroup Brews – Back to Our Roots (Part 2)
Previously on EDHREC... Hey everyone! I'm back for round 2 of Playgroup Brews! Last time we discussed two of our five Elder Dragons before the M19 prerelease: and . We got lots of great feedback, a lot of folks loved the Chromium deck, and we hope that you had fun brewing these commanders yourself both before and […]