
Underdog's Corner - Hallar, the Firefletcher

Underdog's Corner - Hallar, the Firefletcher

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Kicking (and Multikicking) things up a notch with Dominaria's fire-fletching underdog, Hallar!
Playgroup Brews – Back to Our Roots (Part 2)

Playgroup Brews – Back to Our Roots (Part 2)

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Previously on EDHREC... Hey everyone! I'm back for round 2 of Playgroup Brews! Last time we discussed two of our five Elder Dragons before the M19 prerelease: and . We got lots of great feedback, a lot of folks loved the Chromium deck, and we hope that you had fun brewing these commanders yourself both before and […]
Playgroup Brews - Back to Our Roots (Part 1)

Playgroup Brews - Back to Our Roots (Part 1)

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
There Can Only Be One Hey readers! I’m taking a step away from the Scrambleverse series for a moment to focus on something that really piqued my interest with M19. As many of you may know, we just finished up the review for M19, and I was the author chosen to write about the gold […]
Introducing The Scrambleverse — Four-color Lands?

Introducing The Scrambleverse — Four-color Lands?

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Greetings Planeswalkers and Gatherers alike, my name is Christian Alexander, and welcome to the Scrambleverse! I played my first game of Magic right before Theros came out, attended a draft a couple weeks later, bought 2,000 cards with my friend Eric from some random guy on Craigslist, and never looked back. I quickly fell in […]