crucible of worlds

Brew For Your Buck - Budget Naya Token Deck

Brew For Your Buck - Budget Naya Token Deck

Brian Cain
Brian Cain
Brian gets a timely Desert brew going with Hazezon, Shaper of Sand in this installment of Brew For Your Buck.
Brew For Your Bug - Going Infinant

Brew For Your Bug - Going Infinant

Brian Cain
Brian Cain
Do insect-based puns bug you? We hope not, because today Brian's brewing for our buck with some buggy friends.
Too-Specific Top 10 - I'm Leaving You(r Yard)

Too-Specific Top 10 - I'm Leaving You(r Yard)

Looking for ways to trigger leave-the-graveyard effects for Quintorius? This Top 10 has you covered.
Superior Numbers - Crucible of Worlds

Superior Numbers - Crucible of Worlds

Dana Roach
Dana Roach
"We were all forged in the crucible." Welcome to Superior Numbers, where I try to do numerical analysis on cards and deckbuilding trends using slightly more math and slightly less snark than in my usual column. Slightly. So. . It first appeared in Magic in Fifth Dawn way back in 2004, and it's had a couple of […]
Introducing The Scrambleverse — Four-color Lands?

Introducing The Scrambleverse — Four-color Lands?

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Greetings Planeswalkers and Gatherers alike, my name is Christian Alexander, and welcome to the Scrambleverse! I played my first game of Magic right before Theros came out, attended a draft a couple weeks later, bought 2,000 cards with my friend Eric from some random guy on Craigslist, and never looked back. I quickly fell in […]
NEWS — New EDHREC Feature! Themes!

NEWS — New EDHREC Feature! Themes!

Christopher Russell
Christopher Russell
A message from Don, the founder of EDHREC: In this article, Chris is going to go through our new features on EDHREC that revolve around "themes"! I'm really excited about it because there are so many fun hidden archetypes and this should make it easier to find them. Tribes were our first theme and those were […]
Commander Showdown — Titania vs The Gitrog Monster

Commander Showdown — Titania vs The Gitrog Monster

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Let Me Tell You a Story Some time ago, I sat down for a game with my favorite deck, . A short while into this game, I assembled a small army with an . An opponent wiped the board. I dropped a and began to recreate the army, but the board was again wiped. Undeterred, […]