Brew For Your Buck - Here Are My Dragons
In the mood for a simple but effective budget Dragons deck? Brian has you covered (in dragons).
Recross the Paths - The Scarab God
Regular Zombies are out, Dragon Zombies are in!
Archetune-Up - The Hunter's Blades
Drizzt gets a fix-up! How does this legendary figure command an EDH deck?
Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Set Review - Gold
We've reached the treasure at end of the dungeon! Let's talk about all these GOLD cards!
Heart of the Cards – Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
Cow goes "moo," Dog says "woof," and Dragons go "Oink."
Turning Data to Decks - Creating an EDH Cube
Kya Vess
Holiday Announcements Hello Everyone! Excited for Thanksgiving? I know I am! Before we dive into today's article, two important announcements! First, we have an official date for the EDH Scavenger Hunt this year. It will be December 9th at 11:00am! As a reminder, it will be located at UCF, here in Orlando. There is a […]
Core Set 2019 Review -- Gold
A GOLDEN Set Review! Hello everyone! Your ridiculous, friendly, neighborhood Jank-Crafter is here to once again provide a set review! I am so excited to talk about the Elder Dragons from another incredible set. I’ve been having a blast writing this article and coming up with deck ideas for each of them! However, before we start […]
60 to 100 — Cat Dragon Stompy
Howdy folks! Thanks for coming back to 60 to 100, the articles where we transform a 60-card archetype into a deck fit for 100-card singleton commandering. This week we take another request from a reader to cover the casual favorite Dragon Stompy deck. So, since we did just get our new tribal decks in Commander […]
Commander Showdown — The Ur-Dragon vs Scion of the Ur-Dragon
The Year of the Dragon Commander 2017 Spoilers are going crazy, and in this week’s Showdown, we’re going to talk about the biggest and baddest of them: ! Five colors, nine mana, and twenty combined power/toughness. The Ur-Dragon is here, and it means business. At the helm of the dragon-tribal preconstructed deck, this big baddy […]