Nate Burgess

New EDHREC Features - Tribes, Themes, & Colors Update

New EDHREC Features - Tribes, Themes, & Colors Update

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Tribes, Themes, Colors EDHREC recently added some new functionality to the tribes, themes, and colors pages, so to start off the new year, we'd like to give you a quick rundown on how to best use these new features! First, we'll talk about the "Related Info" block that cross-references popular combinations for decks that focus […]
Commander Focus — Varina, Lich Queen

Commander Focus — Varina, Lich Queen

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Digital Queen It's been a long, long time since Mon Mothma received the nano-immortality treatments. Every once in a while, she has to take the augmented reality mask off of the gilded thaumetallic contacts in her face to ease the overload of thought conductivity along the supercomputing fiber woven into her hair. It took a […]
Guilds of Ravnica Set Review – Dimir

Guilds of Ravnica Set Review – Dimir

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Secrets, Spies, and a Sleuthy Disguise It's-a me, Mister Plorg, and here we will be talking about the Top 13 New EDH Dimir Cards from Guilds of Ravnica, in no particular order. Dimir is the combination of both blue and black, perhaps more commonly known as 'redless Grixis' or 'redless blue Rakdos.' Why only thirteen […]
Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi 2, the Budget

Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi 2, the Budget

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Vaevictis the Dire... On a Budget! As a new twist, I'm writing a follow-up article to a previous commander. In my last article about , I made a deck list that I felt comfortable playing. Only later did I look at the per-card budget lines of the deck and realize that I made a lot of […]
New EDHREC Feature - Precon Upgrade Guide

New EDHREC Feature - Precon Upgrade Guide

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Upgrading Your Precon Suppose you just bought a preconstructed Commander deck and you want a rough idea of which five or ten or twenty cards you could add to make it a more tuned and functional deck. Since you're adding cards to the initial 99, you'll also need to know which cards need to be […]
Commander Focus — Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign

Commander Focus — Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Long Live the New Narset You might think she's cute, flying around with an shouting "LOOK AT ME! I HAZ ELDRITCH TENTACLES! I AM EMRAKUL!" and you point and laugh because she's pretending to be Emrakul. Then she attacks you and reveals the top card and behold, it's and you stop laughing, but only briefly, […]
Commander Focus — Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer

Commander Focus — Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
An Army of Securitrons Once upon a time, there was a very helpful character who had access to an unlimited supply of battle robots. Unfortunately, these robots did not have the necessary software driver updates to be able to fire their rocket launchers or their grenade machine guns. The task fell to one wandering courier […]
Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire

Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Vaevictis, New and Improved Behold, ! A new upgrade to an old classic. The previous version of this Elder Dragon had firebreathing, as well as treebreathing and swampbreathing. While this ability might be fascinating to reptilian nutritionists, it's a bit mediocre compared to what modern commanders can do. The upgraded version gets to cause widespread […]