Peace Offering Precon Review - Bloomburrow
We're kicking off our Bloomburrow precon guides with Peace Offering, the green, white, and blue deck led by Ms. Bumbleflower. Anyone in the mood for a hug?
From the Brim to the Trim - Politicking your Way Through Opponents and Budget Alike
Arnaud trims The Council of Four down to a politically-correct size in this installment of From the Brim to the Trim.
Political Puppets Precon Upgrade
We take the Political Puppets precon from Commander 2011, led by Zedruu the Greathearted, and reimagine it in the current era.
New EDHREC Feature! A Clipboard for Cards
EDHREC has a new feature that makes deckbuilding a total breeze!
Commander Focus — Varina, Lich Queen
Digital Queen It's been a long, long time since Mon Mothma received the nano-immortality treatments. Every once in a while, she has to take the augmented reality mask off of the gilded thaumetallic contacts in her face to ease the overload of thought conductivity along the supercomputing fiber woven into her hair. It took a […]
The Knowledge Pool — Kydele & Thrasios Part 1
Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool! This week we're going to be looking at another deck I've personally built and remodeling it with the hope of reaching a more coherent deck list. I was quite happy with how our experiment turned out with , and I think the deck I'm presenting today could […]
Underdog's Corner — Tishana, Voice of Thunder
Recent-Past Reviewed Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another edition of the Underdog's Corner! As we move closer towards the release of Dominaria, I thought to look back on the last block, Ixalan. This week's entrant is one that always seemed powerful, but never received a lot of attention. I certainly never gave it much attention […]
Underdog's Corner — Kefnet, the Mindful
New Year, Same Underdogs Hello and welcome back to the first Underdog's Corner of 2018! It's a new year, which means it's likely to look a lot like the last year. It's a time for opportunities to reinvent ourselves, make changes to our lives, and generally try to improve upon the previous years in some […]
Underdog's Corner, Round — Arjun, the Shifting Flame
This article is round 1 of the Underdog's Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article I will make the argument for a single commander that I believe deserves to see more play as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. Hello, everyone! My name is Mason, and […]