blue red

Back to Basics - The Top 10 Most Played Izzet Cards in Commander

Back to Basics - The Top 10 Most Played Izzet Cards in Commander

Nick Price
Nick Price
Red and blue cards help you spell-sling your way to victory in your next Izzet Commander list!
New EDHREC Feature! A Clipboard for Cards

New EDHREC Feature! A Clipboard for Cards

Kyle Keller
Kyle Keller
EDHREC has a new feature that makes deckbuilding a total breeze!
Underdog's Corner - Revisiting Arjun

Underdog's Corner - Revisiting Arjun

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Mason revisits an old flame... Arjun, the Shifting Flame! How have the times changed his 99?
Uncommonders - Battle Mages, Spellslingers, and Caster Tokens!

Uncommonders - Battle Mages, Spellslingers, and Caster Tokens!

DM Cross
DM Cross
Silver Spellslinging Hello again, all you lovely cardboard-slinging wizards and warriors! My name is Seth Cross (call me “DM”) and this is another installment of the Uncommonders series! For the past few months, we've been looking at the unique phenomenon of legendary creatures printed at the uncommon rarity rather than rare or mythic. The idea […]
Commander 2018 Set Review - Gold (Pt 1)

Commander 2018 Set Review - Gold (Pt 1)

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Commander 2018 It is finally that time! Commander 2018 is here! I've described this release as a Commander player's Super Bowl, and this year's new legends don't disappoint. In the first five years of its lifetime, the Commander products were done in full color cycles. After that, with Commander 2017, the product was reduced to […]