commander 2018
The 600 - A Review of C18 Predictions
Did Kyle correctly predict which C18 commanders would be the most popular?
Replacement Commanders - SURPRISE! Izzet Another Krenko Deck?!
DM Cross
Well, Izzet? Aha! Hello again, you lovely readers! I know, you are surprised and astounded, but I promise you, my name is still Seth Cross and this is the real, actual-factual final installment of the Replacement Commanders series for Commander 2018! A few articles ago I wrote about , and toward the end of that article, […]
Top 10 Cards From 2018
Another Lap Around the Sun As the year draws to a close, people have a habit of looking back and evaluating the last year. It might seem a bit arbitrary, but it's a way we're collectively wired. Another way we're collectively wired? We love lists: debating, comparing, and coming up with them is something we […]
Replacement Commanders - The Enchanted Waters
DM Cross
The Real Sun's Champion We are back (back again!) my lovely readers, and I need to ask you to sit down, lean back, and get ready for another installment of Replacement Commanders! This series shines a spotlight on the legendary creatures from the annual Commander precon decks that aren't the face card on the packaging, […]
Replacement Commanders - Thantis, the Warweaver
DM Cross
She's Creepy, Crawly, and She'll Spin You Right Round! Here we go again, my lovely readers! My name is Seth Cross and this is a very personally interesting installment of Replacement Commanders! This series works to highlight the new legendary creatures that appear in each of the annual Commander products that are NOT the face […]
Replacement Commanders - Yennett is Odd, But is She Good?
DM Cross
Well, hello there again, readers. My name is Seth Cross, though I commonly go by “DM” (and yes, it does stand for Dungeon Master). Now, that introduction may seem familiar to those of you who've read my very first articles here on EDHREC; that's the introduction I used for my first article series for this […]
The 600 - Predicting the Popularity of C18 Commanders
Making a Prophecy I love prophecy. I'm not sure why. I love the prophets and prophetesses of Greek myth. I love when authors foreshadow future events in books. I even love pro football preseason picks (though how accurate are they, really?). All in all, predicting the future is pretty cool. With this series, I'm going […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
Engineering A Swarm Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, a biweekly series of articles where I build and share $20 Commander decks. With Commander 2018's recent release, I am going to share a build for one of the set's alternate commanders in this article. This week, we start off with a traditional Izzet strategy: Go-wide tokens…. Wait, wait, […]
Intellectual Offering - Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
Welcome to a surprise installment of Intellectual Offering. This is not only a surprise for you, dear reader, but also for me. Lately I’ve been suffering a some Commander nihilism. I’ve felt like whatever I brewed was unoriginal, uninspired, and ultimately not worth building. Little did I know that Commander 2018 would have the cure […]
New EDHREC Feature - Precon Upgrade Guide
Upgrading Your Precon Suppose you just bought a preconstructed Commander deck and you want a rough idea of which five or ten or twenty cards you could add to make it a more tuned and functional deck. Since you're adding cards to the initial 99, you'll also need to know which cards need to be […]