training grounds
Wombo Combo - Mono-Blue Edition
Sail the ten combo-centric seas with Ethan to check out Commander's coolest blue combos.
Pet Project: Unnatural Selection
Build a Slivers EDH deck with an unusual twist and a secret commander.
Justice League Commander Decks - Son of the Land, King of the Seas
Introducing Dragon Shield's newest Justice League sleeve: Aquaman!
Mind Bend - Walkerless Superfriends
Let's build a planeswalker deck... with no planeswalkers!
Underdog's Corner — Kefnet, the Mindful
New Year, Same Underdogs Hello and welcome back to the first Underdog's Corner of 2018! It's a new year, which means it's likely to look a lot like the last year. It's a time for opportunities to reinvent ourselves, make changes to our lives, and generally try to improve upon the previous years in some […]
Commander Showdown — The Scarab God vs Gisa and Geralf vs Grimgrin
Triple Showdown Two months ago, I wrote a Commander Showdown about the reigning zombie tribal commanders, and . Then Hour of Devastation happened, unleashing one of the coolest and most frightening commanders we've seen in a long time: . The zombie apocalypse never stops, nor do its commanders. We've been graced with another blue-black commander that […]