Jeremy Podczerwinski
Mind Bend - Spymaster of Mardu
An Edric deck... but in Mardu? Jeremy's got some weird stuff brewing in this Mind Bend.
Mind Bend - Sultai Vehicles
Depala isn't the only pilot exemplar out there after all!
Mind Bend - Non-Black Life Payments
Crafting a deck all about life payments... without the color black!
Mind Bend - Mono-Blue Creatures
Blue isn't well-known for its creatures, right? Think again!
Mind Bend - Animar-ed Orzhov
Can the Soul of Elements's soul transfer to a new element?
Mind Bend - Mono-Red Proliferate
Move over, Atraxa! Mono-red is about to proliferate your socks off.
Mind Bend - Temur Aristocrats
Who needs black and white to sacrifice their own creatures?
Mind Bend - Boros Self-Mill
Boros is here to prove that Sultai isn’t the only way to play with the graveyard
Mind Bend - Walkerless Superfriends
Let's build a planeswalker deck... with no planeswalkers!