oracles vault

Ultra Budget Brews — Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

Ultra Budget Brews — Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Hello, and welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that (fondly) remembers when fast food places had actual dollar menus instead of 'value menus'. You aren't fooling anyone with that nonsense. Also, tangentially related, this is the article series that builds entire EDH decks that contain no cards that cost […]
Combo Corner — Paradox Engine

Combo Corner — Paradox Engine

Patrick Sippola
Patrick Sippola
Just over half a year ago, a card was announced that made many people call for it to be banned even before it was in our hands: . Some even believed it would end up being banned in standard, which was hyperbolic, and at times I can even see why someone might want also banned […]
Pure // Simple - Get More Cards in All Colors

Pure // Simple - Get More Cards in All Colors

Jeremy Podczerwinski
Jeremy Podczerwinski
Welcome back to Pure // Simple, the article series that takes the mystery out of card choices in Commander. Commander is usually a game of attrition. -like cards destroy your creatures, you use your to deal with an opponent’s big threat, and maybe has been making you discard swaths of cards. Over the course of […]