big mana
Rally the Ancestors - 50 Lands and a Plan
Rally the Ancestors is finishing up with a trip back to Kamigawa and a deck that's half lands.
Epic Experiment - Kyodai
Bernardo gives Kyodai some very important cards to protect!
The Knowledge Pool - Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Tasigur has far too much mana, and tons of spells to use it on!
Archetune-Up - Neheb, the Burninator
Using EDHREC Theme pages to tune up a burn-tastic Neheb brew!
Commander Focus — Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
Long Live the New Narset You might think she's cute, flying around with an shouting "LOOK AT ME! I HAZ ELDRITCH TENTACLES! I AM EMRAKUL!" and you point and laugh because she's pretending to be Emrakul. Then she attacks you and reveals the top card and behold, it's and you stop laughing, but only briefly, […]
Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire
Vaevictis, New and Improved Behold, ! A new upgrade to an old classic. The previous version of this Elder Dragon had firebreathing, as well as treebreathing and swampbreathing. While this ability might be fascinating to reptilian nutritionists, it's a bit mediocre compared to what modern commanders can do. The upgraded version gets to cause widespread […]
Underdog's Corner — Chainer, Dementia Master
This article is Round 10 of the Underdog’s Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article makes the argument for a single commander that deserves more play, as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. The Black Set Hello all, and welcome back to the Underdog's Corner! While I […]
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