zo zu the punisher

Combining Hobbies - Dungeon Masters, Jokulhaups and You

Combining Hobbies - Dungeon Masters, Jokulhaups and You

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Some Dungeon Masters are benevolent. Others turn the very land against you!
Cure for the Common Game - The 360's

Cure for the Common Game - The 360's

Brian Canada
Brian Canada
Welcome to Cure for the Common Game! Join me on my quest to build an EDH deck for every legendary creature. Today we're looking at decks #360 through #369. Deck #360 - With this mono-red deck, we try to solve red's card-drawing problem by "drawing" cards from other players' decks. Deck #361 - + + tokens […]
Lore Seeker - The Floor is Lava

Lore Seeker - The Floor is Lava

Eric Seidl
Eric Seidl
Prologue Welcome to Lore Seeker, a series devoted to the legendary creatures left by the wayside of Magic story. In this series I analyze a legendary creature card in depth, one that does not have much mythos surrounding it. I consider everything from the name and mana cost to the art and flavor text, extracting the essence of […]
Dig Through Time — Saviors of Kamigawa

Dig Through Time — Saviors of Kamigawa

Dean Gootee
Dean Gootee
Today on Dig Through Time we finish up Kamigawa block with a review of—Saviors of Kamigawa. This set gave us mechanics like sweep,epic, and channel which varied from good to bad. Sweep was bad; epic, an early attempt at a legendary sorcery, was only good on two cards; channel was okay, and probably paved the way for bloodrush. One technological development in […]
Dig Through Time — Urza's Block

Dig Through Time — Urza's Block

Dean Gootee
Dean Gootee
Welcome back to another Dig Through Time, and I apologize for the delay between our last column and today's. Just an FYI, this series is going to become slightly more intermittent, dropping down to once a month or so for the time being, as my family welcomed my second baby on November 21st (fingers crossed […]