horobi deaths wail

General Medicine — Horobi's Not Jank!

General Medicine — Horobi's Not Jank!

Robin Kaas
Robin Kaas
Welcome back, dear readers! Today, since we've had two weeks of five-colored decks, we're taking a step back from rainbow manabases and instead we're going to focus on but a single color: black. Our patient is reader Sara's deck. Before we get into it, however, we should discuss the broader perspectives. Mono-colored Decks in EDH […]
Non-Basically Speaking — Lady Evangela

Non-Basically Speaking — Lady Evangela

Nick Wallace
Nick Wallace
Hello friends and forgotten Legends, welcome back to EDHREC and our continuing biweekly column, Non-Basically Speaking, the series that strives to identify non-basic lands that should be considered valuable staples or hidden gems based on their visibility on EDHREC. At this point in my Commander career I believe I owe it to myself to build […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Horobi, Death's Wail

Ultra Budget Brews — Horobi, Death's Wail

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Hello, and welcome back for the 6th edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the column where we build EDH decks that only contain cards that cost less than $1. So far we have built decks that correspond with a number of different archetypes. We have built Aggro, Burn, Combo, and Mid-range. One kind of deck that […]