Low Market — Mairsil's Charge Counter Combo
Mairsil, the Pretender art by Izzy. Madness Flashbacks In Magic lore, the Dominarian wizard Mairsil drove mad a powerful mage named Ith. This nicely aligns with my experiences of Mairsil, because this card drove me insane upon its release. I knew within seconds that I had to, had to, theorycraft this budget deck for my […]
Underdog's Corner — Ulasht, the Hate Seed
This article is Round 14 of the Underdog's Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article makes the argument for a single commander that deserves more play, as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. Little House of Horrors Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of the Underdog's […]
Low Market — Borborygmos' Splendid Combo
Borborygmos Enraged art by Aleksi Briclot Anger Management It's an important life skill, I believe, to find constructive outlets for your anger. I, for example, might channel it into video games. Some people might exercise. Some people might find a private place to emit a primal screech. [card]Borborygmos Enraged[/card] does none of these things, preferring […]
Underdog's Corner — Ishkanah, Grafwidow
This article is Round 13 of the Underdog’s Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article makes the argument for a single commander that deserves more play, as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. A Crawling Sensation Hello, everyone and welcome back to the Underdog's Corner! In my my […]
Commander Showdown — The Locust God vs Niv-Mizzet
A Plague of Locusts Upon Your House Hour of Devastation is almost upon us, and there are some awesome preview cards on the horizon. We've seen Theros gods and Amonkhet gods before, but we've never seen plague gods. Scorpions and scarabs are terrifying, but the one that frightens me most is [card]The Locust God[/card]. This giant insect will […]
Combo Corner — Taxes
Patrick Sippola here, reporting from front lines of the jank wars, bringing you what can only be described as combos. The best thing about finding new interactions between cards is that sometimes an idea strikes you to just make a small change to a type of deck that is already out there. This month is […]
Commander Showdown — Gisa and Geralf vs Grimgrin
Commander Showdown is a series that compares and contrast two similar commanders, analyzes differences in strategy and deck construction, and evaluates how those differences are represented by the data here on EDHREC. The Planeswalking Dead In the wake of Pro Tour Amonkhet, zombies have begun shambling their way through the Standard format. With new toys […]
Low Market — Hapatra, Vizier of Multitasking
Poisoned Words It's the week following Amonkhet spoiler season, and you know what that means! Or, maybe you don't, since this column has only existed for one prior set release. In which case: it's time to highlight one of the new legends! Without further ado, let me introduce our new snake-y friend, [card]Hapatra, Vizier of […]
Singleton Guild Wheel — Nivvy's Burning Gnats
This article is part 8 of a 10-part series covering the Singleton Guild Wheel Project, a 10-deck project where there is only a single copy of any non-basic land among the 10 decks. Each deck uses the color combination of a different Ravnican guild. The methodology is introduced here and expanded upon each week by featuring […]
Low Market — Sydri Aetherflux Storm
Something's Brewin' At one point in building an EDH deck, you have to stop and think about how to kill your opponents. Sometimes it's with your big angry commander (see: [card]Rafiq of the Many[/card]). Sometimes, it's with your big angry [card]Fireball[/card] (see: [card]Mizzix of the Izmagnus[/card]). Sometimes, it's with your big angry horde of tokens (see: [card]Rhys the […]