Commander Showdown — Marath vs Ghave
Counters, Tokens, and Combos When people think of Commander cards, there are often a few EDH-specific cards that come to mind. [card]Sol Ring[/card], for example, or [card]Cyclonic Rift[/card]. One of the biggest is [card]Doubling Season[/card], a card whose price is exorbitantly high and whose demand comes almost exclusively from Commander players. While it's true that […]
Pure // Simple — Lose Weight, Not Games Part Two
Last time on Pure//Simple, the article series that explores the why behind the best cards in the Commander format, I went over a few “I win” buttons. Cards that when you cast them in the right situations and you’re practically guaranteed victory. This time, I’m completing the list with a few more powerful Commander spells, […]
New EDHREC feature! Finding and viewing decks
We pause our regularly scheduled articles for a message from Don, the founder of EDHREC: We’ve just rolled out some new improvements to EDHREC that aim to help you find specific Commander decks. The commander summary-style pages have been here a long time and provide insight into how decks are built in general, but sometimes […]
The Knowledge Pool — Maelstrom Wanderer Part 2
Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool. Last time I wrote about the times when the decks we build don't meet our expectations, and I introduced you to my Maelstrom Wanderer deck. If you have not yet read part 1, it can be found here. At the end of my previous article, I requested […]
The Knowledge Pool — Maelstrom Wanderer Part 1
Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! During the last two installments I presented one of my longest tenured decks, Mayael the Anima. You can find my first article here, and part two here. I wanted to start this series with a deck I know inside and out so that I could best introduce the thought […]
Combo Corner — Cascade
Guess who's back! Patrick Sippola is back and better than ever, and I'm here to crack some mad, homebrewed combos on you with a smile on my face and the stack as confusing as possible. At least that is going to happen this time around, where it isn't a particular card I'm going to build […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Golden Reality Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, a weekly series where I share a Commander deck tech that costs twenty dollars. In this article, I finally explore a play style that I have yet to touch on this series: combo. Love it or hate it, combo is a major pillar of the EDH format. It is pretty […]
Low Market — Revenge of the Pauper Commander Double Feature
Composite Golem art by Mark Tedin Double or Nothing Many moons ago, we here at Low Market made a brief double-foray into Pauper Commander, a Commander subformat where any Uncommon creature can be at the helm of deck composed entirely of Commons. My love for this obscure little format has not diminished, so we're bringing […]
Commander Showdown — Inalla vs Azami
Hocus Pocus Now that Halloween has passed, we can take off our wizard costumes... and pick up our Wizard decks! Tribal decks are all the rage this year, and one of the big decks from Commander 2017 is Arcane Wizardry, featuring [card]Inalla, Archmage Ritualist[/card]. Boasting the bizarre ability to temporarily copy your creatures, Inalla has […]
Commander Showdown — Tishana vs Zegana
Prime Speaker of Thunder Ixalan is just around the river bend, which means we must turn our attention from the tribes of Commander 2017 to the tribes of this dangerous new plane. We have a ton of new and exciting legendary creatures headed our way, but there's one in particular that stands out. Commander Showdown […]