sharuum the hegemon
Lore Seeker - Galvanized Goddess
Prologue Welcome to Lore Seeker, a series devoted to the legendary creatures left by the wayside of Magic story. In this series I analyze a legendary creature card in depth, one that does not have much mythos surrounding it. I consider everything from the name and mana cost to the art and flavor text, extracting […]
Commander Showdown -- Sharuum vs Breya
Agents of Artifice At long last, our Artifact Commander Showdown is here! These two commanders have been the runners-up in the post-article votes, but they're certainly not runners-up in games of EDH! You know them well: , the enigmatic metal sphinx, and and , the four-color queen of Thopters! These commanders rule over all things […]
Dig Through Time — Alara Reborn
This week in Dig Through Time: Alara Reborn! This set ties up the preceding Shards of Alara and Conflux sets in the Alara block. In order to represent the reunification of the five shards of the shattered plane, Alara Reborn is comprised entirely of multicolor cards. This is the first and only set to do this ever. The set […]
Combo Corner — Spy Kit
Patrick here, the resident Johnny at EDHREC. Sometimes I see a card that causes me to think, “What can I do with this?” This month is a prime example of this situation. I spent a good portion of my youth without a consistent playgroup, which led to me reading cards over and over again, trying […]
Alternative Outcomes — Breya
Welcome to the home of Alternative Outcomes, a series of self-expression through the development and brewing of alternative builds, often of popular commanders. The name’s “Dev”, and I will be your guide on these journeys. I have proudly played Magic the Gathering player for over fifteen years with competitive experience across multiple formats. EDH, to me, […]