
Bringing Magic to Life - Flickering Idea

Bringing Magic to Life - Flickering Idea

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Commander, or the Deck? Hey Everyone, Kya here once again! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Time waits for no one, and I'm busy preparing for upcoming holidays! I know I myself am excited for Christmas, as that means more Orks and cards coming in my way! Due to massive computer problems, this article is […]
Spreading the Love - Turning Trash to Treasure

Spreading the Love - Turning Trash to Treasure

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
One Person's Trash... Hey everyone, Kya here! I hope everyone is doing well! It's already August. Is it me or is this year going by way too quick? Orlando GP is coming up soon, as well as our yearly Orlando EDH Scavenger Hunt (more details on that coming soon). I know my Magic collection has […]
EDH Player Psychographics — Winning Like a Herm

EDH Player Psychographics — Winning Like a Herm

Kyle Massa
Kyle Massa
Some play EDH for fun. Some play to socialize. Some play to make friends, or cast cards they can't cast in other formats. And then there are those who play for one reason and one reason only. (In the following video, please substitute the word "sports" with "Elder Dragon Highlander.") If you're a Herm or […]
Slowing Down the Competition — Fighting Fire with Fire

Slowing Down the Competition — Fighting Fire with Fire

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hello Everyone! Kya here again! I hope everyone is ready for Dominaria! I know I've been excited with the new set's power level! Speaking of power level, I thought it would be fun to show off one of my competitive decks. In my last article, we briefly discussed how my fiance likes to do things. […]
Alternative Outcomes — Zur, Master Reanimator

Alternative Outcomes — Zur, Master Reanimator

Welcome to the home of Alternative Outcomes, a series of self-expression through the development and brewing of alternative builds, often of popular commanders. The name’s “Dev”, and I will be your guide on these journeys. I have been a proud Magic: the Gathering player for over fifteen years and have competitive experience across multiple formats. […]
Alternative Outcomes — Competitive Kambal Taxation

Alternative Outcomes — Competitive Kambal Taxation

Welcome to the home of Alternative Outcomes, a series of self-expression using the development and brewing of alternative builds, often of popular commanders. The name’s “Dev”, and I will be your guide on these journeys. I have been a proud Magic the Gathering player for over fifteen years and have competitive experience across multiple formats. […]
Force Spike — What You Can Learn From Spikes Without Being One

Force Spike — What You Can Learn From Spikes Without Being One

Charles Emrich
Charles Emrich
Hi there, I'm Charles Emrich, and I'm a Spike. Now based on the various online arguments and table-talk I engage and listen to, it’s clear that high-powered multiplayer EDH isn't everyone's thing, but it's definitely mine! Look, I understand where the more casual players are coming from; I was playing Derevi one time when an opponent first […]
Competitive Nature — Rafiq of the Many

Competitive Nature — Rafiq of the Many

Neil DeMarco
Neil DeMarco
Welcome back! This week, we look to beef up another “average” deck to make it more competitive. EDH offers several different avenues to attack. Last time, we looked at where the objective was to quickly assemble a combo that leveraged our graveyard and kill all our opponents in one continuous loop. The deck played grindy, value-based […]
Competitive Nature — Karador, Ghost Chieftain

Competitive Nature — Karador, Ghost Chieftain

Neil DeMarco
Neil DeMarco
Hi everyone! My name is Neil DeMarco (yes, THAT Neil DeMarco). What's that? You haven't heard of me? Well, are you in for a treat! I’ve been playing Magic: The Gathering since the original Innistrad block and kept playing mostly on the local level. Now that we're fast friends, I'll let you in on a secret; I’m a competitive person, and Magic […]