
Combining Hobbies - The Ultimate Cosplayer

Combining Hobbies - The Ultimate Cosplayer

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Happy New Year!!! Fun fact: did you know the art in my banner for this article is from an actual card? It's an old version of , and it's less then a quarter! In the spirit of cosplay, and becoming a copy of something else, I thought this was worth sharing. (If anything, it's probably […]
Combining Hobbies — The Deceptive Tribal

Combining Hobbies — The Deceptive Tribal

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hey Everyone, Kya here! It's been a long few weeks since my last article! I've been out of town quite a bit recently and sadly haven't yet played any Battlebond. Despite my busy schedule though I've always been able to keep getting my game on! It's always interesting going to different parts of the country […]