
Commander 2018 Set Review - Red

Commander 2018 Set Review - Red

Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan
*Cue the Music* *Deep breath* It's the moooooost wonderrrrfulll tiiiiiiiiiiiiime of the yeeaaaarrrrrr! With new cards for viewing and commanders for brewing and hyperbole to heeeeearrrrr! You know what time I'm talking about everyone: Commander Christmas! Commander 2018 is upon us and the decklists are spoiled. The ghosts of precons past are trying to haunt us […]
Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire

Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Vaevictis, New and Improved Behold, ! A new upgrade to an old classic. The previous version of this Elder Dragon had firebreathing, as well as treebreathing and swampbreathing. While this ability might be fascinating to reptilian nutritionists, it's a bit mediocre compared to what modern commanders can do. The upgraded version gets to cause widespread […]
The Knowledge Pool - Grand Warlord Radha

The Knowledge Pool - Grand Warlord Radha

Scot Sutton
Scot Sutton
Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool! One of my favorite cards from Dominaria is , and from the moment I saw it, I've been considering how she might function in Commander. Not all of my brews end up turning into decks - in fact, most of them don't - but it's always easy […]
The Knowledge Pool -- Saskia the Unyielding

The Knowledge Pool -- Saskia the Unyielding

Scot Sutton
Scot Sutton
Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool. It's been a little while, but last time I teased a deck based around , and after much tinkering I've come up with a list that I believe will abuse it to the fullest extent. We're going to explore the blood-drenched world of . Before I get […]
Core Set 2019 Review — Red

Core Set 2019 Review — Red

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Where Are My Dragons? Welcome to the EDHREC Red Set Review for Core Set 2019. We have some exciting new fire-breathers to look over, so let's get right to it. Sarkhan Three mana for a planeswalker is a good start. It will take a while to get to the ultimate, but neither +1 ability is bad, […]
Combining Hobbies — Martial Prowess

Combining Hobbies — Martial Prowess

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hey Everyone! Kya here once again! I hope everyone is doing well and continuing to pour their heart and souls into their favorite hobbies. I know for me this month has been crazy. Between EDH, Warhammer, and Cosplay, there leaves little time to relax. However it's dawned on me that I've been slacking on probably […]
The Scrambleverse — Pacifism Control

The Scrambleverse — Pacifism Control

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Greetings Readers! It's your friendly neighborhood jank crafter again! Sorry for not having an article for you last time, but I didn't have internet while I was out of the country. While I was out there, I took a picture list of all of the Dominaria commanders, because I wanted to try something new with […]
Commander Showdown — Landfall Battle Royale

Commander Showdown — Landfall Battle Royale

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Let the Land Fall Welcome back to the Commander Showdown, the series where we pit similar-ish commanders against each other to analyze differences in card selection and strategy. Normally, I like to analyze two commanders at a time, such as Jodah vs Ramos's five-color face-off, or Marath vs Ghave's counter-token-combo matchup. However, this week we're discussing not […]
Combining Hobbies — The Deceptive Tribal

Combining Hobbies — The Deceptive Tribal

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hey Everyone, Kya here! It's been a long few weeks since my last article! I've been out of town quite a bit recently and sadly haven't yet played any Battlebond. Despite my busy schedule though I've always been able to keep getting my game on! It's always interesting going to different parts of the country […]
EDHREC Battlebond  Review — Red

EDHREC Battlebond Review — Red

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Hello, everyone! Normally, I write our resident series on the underrated and underappreciated, The Underdog's Corner. For today though, I hope you've got your popcorn ready because it's time for another set review! If you haven't been keeping up with the news, the newest "draft inovation" set Battlebond is releasing two weeks from now! So why […]