General Medicine - Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire
Welcome back to another edition of General Medicine! This week, we’re taking a look at a brand new Jund commander, and an Elder Dragon at that. I’m talking, of course, about . is the latest in a long line of Jund-colored commanders who play around with sacrificing things. is an extremely popular and powerful commander, […]
Core Set 2019 Review -- Gold
A GOLDEN Set Review! Hello everyone! Your ridiculous, friendly, neighborhood Jank-Crafter is here to once again provide a set review! I am so excited to talk about the Elder Dragons from another incredible set. I’ve been having a blast writing this article and coming up with deck ideas for each of them! However, before we start […]
The Knowledge Pool — Kresh the Bloodbraided
Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! Most commanders have an obvious theme and encourage us to play specific cards. This is apparent when we consider the decks I've presented so far. Mayael wants us to play with big creatures, Trostani wants us to make tokens, and Kydele wants to untap. I personally love […]
Historically Speaking — 'Nacatl' means what?!
Words have weight. A heft, like a cleaver, or a rolling pin. Words like imperator or carnifex, tribune, or legion evoke certain images, certain moods; they carry deep over and undertones and implications. Take the previous examples—they evoke a Roman flavor so before we even see a card, we've drawn expectations. Look at Licia: Words […]
Commander Focus — Wasitora, Nekoru Queen
Some people like cats. Some people like dogs. Some people like both cats and dogs, so there's a bit of overlap on that Venn diagram. But what, you presumably ask, about the people who like both cats and dragons? is a hard-working mother who just wants to feed her litter of cute baby kitten monsters. […]
Commander Showdown — Hapatra vs The Scorpion God
V for Venom-Detta Voilà! In view, the vast valleys of Ixalan! However, now that we've arrived at this vivid, vibrant vista, we must veer our vessel back to Amonkhet! We volunteered to visit two voracious veterans before the Hour of Devastation vanishes, and they would be very vexed and vindictive if we vacated our vow. If you, valuable viewer, would rather […]
NEWS — New EDHREC Feature! Themes!
A message from Don, the founder of EDHREC: In this article, Chris is going to go through our new features on EDHREC that revolve around "themes"! I'm really excited about it because there are so many fun hidden archetypes and this should make it easier to find them. Tribes were our first theme and those were […]
60 to 100 — Cat Dragon Stompy
Howdy folks! Thanks for coming back to 60 to 100, the articles where we transform a 60-card archetype into a deck fit for 100-card singleton commandering. This week we take another request from a reader to cover the casual favorite Dragon Stompy deck. So, since we did just get our new tribal decks in Commander […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Sek'Kuar Deathkeeper
Welcome back to Ultra Budget Brews, the article that desperately wants to be named Dollar General, but can’t, serving as a grim reminder that I have nice things. This article series builds EDH decks that only contain cards that cost less than $1, hopefully saving you money so that you can have nice things, like […]
Pyramid Theory 101 — Savage Lands
Greetings everyone, I'm back to talk more about Pyramid Theory, and how it can be applied when building a commander deck. Last time I covered the basics of deck construction using Pyramid Theory. This time around I highlight the process of building a commander deck using a different aspect of Pyramid Theory. I will use […]