60 to 100 - Teshar Has Iron in the Works
Iron Will Greetings and salutations to fans of formats both large and small! Welcome back to another installment of 60 to 100, the where we upsize all the decks from constructed formats and bring them into the world of Commander! This week, I've got a spicy one for you. I know that I say that […]
Replacement Commanders - Yennett is Odd, But is She Good?
DM Cross
Well, hello there again, readers. My name is Seth Cross, though I commonly go by “DM” (and yes, it does stand for Dungeon Master). Now, that introduction may seem familiar to those of you who've read my very first articles here on EDHREC; that's the introduction I used for my first article series for this […]
Commander Focus — Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
An Army of Securitrons Once upon a time, there was a very helpful character who had access to an unlimited supply of battle robots. Unfortunately, these robots did not have the necessary software driver updates to be able to fire their rocket launchers or their grenade machine guns. The task fell to one wandering courier […]
Uncommonders -- Polymorph this Silver Commander into Golden Value
DM Cross
Silver and Gold We are back again, faithful readers! My name is still Seth Cross (but my friends call me “DM”) and this is still Uncommonder, the series inspired by Dominaria’s plethora of legendary creatures printed at the uncommon rarity. There were twenty of the silver-stamped Commander options that Wizards of the Coast gave us […]
EDHREC Battlebond Review — Colorless and Lands
The colorless spells and lands are always where I end up looking when I want to try and guess what the next staple of the Commander format. Will we find a diamond in the rough or is it all chaff? (Hint: there are some really sweet cards coming in for Commander players.) Let's find out! […]
Commander Showdown — Jhoira vs Jhoira
Back to the Future, Forward to the Past Our trip through the Dominaria preview season has been topsy-turvy, wibbly-wobbly, and of course, timey-wimey. From to , this legendary plane has more legendary creatures than we’ve seen in a long time. Still, one of them stands out from all the rest, not only because of her […]
Weird Harvest — A New Hope...of Ghirapur!
Welcome back to Weird Harvest, where we strive to weaponize jank to our strategic advantage. This week I figured we would take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to spotlight a deck building concept that is the embodiment of jank. It’s no secret that artifacts are a critical component of our format, with just […]
Partner Focus — Akiri, Line-Slinger
She's a kor who is good at offensive fighting, enjoys high altitude travel with grappling cables, and gets more powerful with the more gadgets she has. Basically, she's the Zendikar version of Batman, except she's not a man and presumably doesn't have deep psychological parental issues that result in an animal-themed alter-ego. has first strike and vigilance and gets +1 […]