
Archetune-Up - Atla Palani's Eggcelent Adventure

Archetune-Up - Atla Palani's Eggcelent Adventure

Angelo Guerrera
Angelo Guerrera
We know, the pun in the title is really eggscruciating
Commander Showdown — Jhoira vs Jhoira

Commander Showdown — Jhoira vs Jhoira

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Back to the Future, Forward to the Past Our trip through the Dominaria preview season has been topsy-turvy, wibbly-wobbly, and of course, timey-wimey. From to , this legendary plane has more legendary creatures than we’ve seen in a long time. Still, one of them stands out from all the rest, not only because of her […]
Burning Inquiry — Silas & Bruse Fidget Spinners

Burning Inquiry — Silas & Bruse Fidget Spinners

Eric Walter
Eric Walter
Reality can be heavy with burden, and, at times, feel like you're entrenched by your circumstances. School, work, the responsibilities of life; each has the potential to become menial tasks we're perpetually chained to. Of course there are ways to cope with this stark truth. Some people break from traditional norms after becoming romanced by […]
Intellectual Offering — Breya, Etherium Shaper

Intellectual Offering — Breya, Etherium Shaper

Sam Alpert
Sam Alpert
That’s right; Commander 2016 is here, and that means it’s time to proclaim your favorite commander as fast as possible lest someone else in your playgroup snaps them up. Time to begin the never-ending process of tweaking and reassembling that comes with a new deck. Everyone has their opinion of what cuts to make and […]