olivia mobilized for war

Technically Playable - Olivia, Mobilized for War

Technically Playable - Olivia, Mobilized for War

Paul Palmer
Paul Palmer
Reanimator, Madness, Vampires...What's not to love in an Olivia, Mobilized for War deck? Explore ways you can build this Rakdos commander.
Rally the Ancestors - #justoliviathings

Rally the Ancestors - #justoliviathings

Dallas Meidinger
Dallas Meidinger
Dallas makes the smallest of the three Olivias feel not so small with a big help from an infamous Lord of the Rings card.
Epic Experiment - Olivia Modular

Epic Experiment - Olivia Modular

Bernardo Melibeu
Bernardo Melibeu
The Madness Vampire queen turns her attention to artifact reanimator!
Commander 2017 — A Brief History of Vampires

Commander 2017 — A Brief History of Vampires

Dana Roach
Dana Roach
“He thought, in fine, that the dreams of poets were the realities of life.” The first pack of Revised I ever opened contained a . At the time it was a bomb card. A 4/4 flyer for five was insane. Better hope you draw that , son. Still, the power level of the card wasn't what […]