
Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Gonti, Canny Acquisitor Deck Tech

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Gonti, Canny Acquisitor Deck Tech

Brian Cain
Brian Cain
Looking to...borrow...a few things from your opponents? Then check out this deck tech for Gonti, Canny Acquisitor, the new legend from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, for a thieving good time.
Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Kellan, the Kid Deck Tech

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Kellan, the Kid Deck Tech

Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan
Ready for an adventure? Then check out this deck tech for Kellan, the Kid, a new legend from Outlaws of Thunder Junction.
Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Yuma, Proud Protector Deck Tech

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Yuma, Proud Protector Deck Tech

Jubilee Finnegan
Jubilee Finnegan
Outlaws of Thunder Junction previews have begun, and we're giving you an early look at how to brew Yuma, Proud Protector, a new legend from the set.
Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Rakdos, the Muscle Deck Tech

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Rakdos, the Muscle Deck Tech

Joshua Wood
Joshua Wood
New, from Outlaws of Thunder Junction. It's Rakdos, the Muscle, a new legend that turns creature sacrifice into card advantage. Check out the full deck tech here!
Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Annie Flash, the Veteran Deck Tech

Outlaws of Thunder Junction - Annie Flash, the Veteran Deck Tech

Looking for some ideas for brewing Annie Flash from Outlaws of Thunder Junction? This early-look article has got you covered!
Heavenly Inferno - Kaalia Precon Upgrade

Heavenly Inferno - Kaalia Precon Upgrade

Andy Zupke
Andy Zupke
What would a precon led by Kaalia of the Vast look like if it were made today? Find out in this edition of Precon Redux.
Mechanical Memories - Searching for a Partner

Mechanical Memories - Searching for a Partner

Jubilee Finnegan
Jubilee Finnegan
Jubilee gives us a historical look into the Partner mechanic and its usefulness in Commander.