
Low Market — Sliver Hivelord Ascension

Low Market — Sliver Hivelord Ascension

Quinn Miller
Quinn Miller
Sliver Hivelord art by Aleksi Briclot All Good Things Hello everyone, and welcome back to Low Market, an EDHREC budget deckbuilding column. Before we move on to today's main event, an announcement: at least for the foreseeable future, this will be the final installment of Low Market. That said, I'm one who prefers to go […]
Bringing Magic to Life — Proliferating Fear

Bringing Magic to Life — Proliferating Fear

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hello Everyone! It's Kya's once again to help you bring some Magic to your life! Welcome to my favorite month, Fear February! Okay fine, I admit I just made that up because I'm horrible at these introductions. However it's a wonderful way to bring up one of my favorite heated EDH subjects... Infect! Oh boy […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Isareth the Awakener

Andrew Jackson Highlander - Isareth the Awakener

Brody Mikel
Brody Mikel
Wake Up Call Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, a series where I share an EDH deck tech that costs twenty dollars. In this article, we are celebrating the release of M19 by building a deck based on one of the new commanders. While everyone is, understandably, excited about the new Elder Dragons, I am actually […]
Librarian Lore — The Scarab God

Librarian Lore — The Scarab God

Casey Spark
Casey Spark
Librarian Lore: Beetles, Bolas, and the Road to Eternity Welcome to Librarian Lore! My name is Casey Spark and I will be your guide through making connections to the real world cultural and mythological influences on your favorite commanders! I have been playing Magic: the Gathering since the original Ravnica block and Commander since I […]
Uncompetitive Spirit — 2HG EDH, OMG!

Uncompetitive Spirit — 2HG EDH, OMG!

Robin Kaas
Robin Kaas
One of my favorite stories to come out of competitive Magic of all time is the success of Chris Lachmann and Jacob Van Lunen at Pro Tour San Diego in 2007. The format was Two-Headed Giant Time Spiral Booster draft and the two had come up with a very specific plan: force slivers. Apparently, most of the […]
Low Market — Ramos Artifact Tokens

Low Market — Ramos Artifact Tokens

Quinn Miller
Quinn Miller
All That Glitters... sometimes treasure! Welcome back to Low Market, EDHREC's budget Commander deckbuilding series. Keeping in with the recently-released Rivals of Ixalan, this is the space where I would normally select my favorite legend from the set and whip up a budget deck list. This time around, though, I'm taking a slightly different […]
Combo Corner — Cascade

Combo Corner — Cascade

Patrick Sippola
Patrick Sippola
Guess who's back! Patrick Sippola is back and better than ever, and I'm here to crack some mad, homebrewed combos on you with a smile on my face and the stack as confusing as possible. At least that is going to happen this time around, where it isn't a particular card I'm going to build […]
Intellectual Offering — Admiral Beckett Brass

Intellectual Offering — Admiral Beckett Brass

Sam Alpert
Sam Alpert
Hello and welcome back to Intellectual Offering. Sorry for the short hiatus, but the end of the school year was a bit more busy than I expected, and I needed the time to focus on crushing my exams. Now, though, it is time to focus on crushing my opponents. Last set we achieved this literally […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Tasigur, the Golden Fang

Andrew Jackson Highlander - Tasigur, the Golden Fang

Brody Mikel
Brody Mikel
Golden Reality Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, a weekly series where I share a Commander deck tech that costs twenty dollars. In this article, I finally explore a play style that I have yet to touch on this series: combo. Love it or hate it, combo is a major pillar of the EDH format. It is pretty […]
Commander UNFocus — Grusilda, Monster Masher

Commander UNFocus — Grusilda, Monster Masher

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Do you enjoy forcing your opponents to put all their cards in the graveyard so that you can rummage through it and pick the best stuff to use for yourself? does. Would you like to mash two of the best dead creatures together to make something that has the combined might of both? would. Do […]