sower of temptation
EDHREC Battlebond Review — Blue
Welcome to the EDHREC set review for the cards in the color blue out of Battlebond, a set that asks the question "What if you made a set with all the good parts of Conspiracy and without all the bad parts of Conspiracy?" This is apparently the answer. We've got interesting cards with mechanics that […]
60 to 100 — Wydwen Calls To Her Kin
Howdy all my friends and fellow spell slingers! I hope your weekend wasn't bogged down with too many s! Masters 25 is out and reprints are everywhere! I know the community at large is a bit sour on the set, but being able to get on the cheap again is something this guy won't ever […]
Intellectual Offering — Admiral Beckett Brass
Hello and welcome back to Intellectual Offering. Sorry for the short hiatus, but the end of the school year was a bit more busy than I expected, and I needed the time to focus on crushing my exams. Now, though, it is time to focus on crushing my opponents. Last set we achieved this literally […]