vedalken orrery

Superior Numbers - Vedalken Orrery

Superior Numbers - Vedalken Orrery

Dana Roach
Dana Roach
A Clockwork Orrery is a very popular card, as evidenced by its appearance in 14,588 decks on EDHREC. Is that number too high or too low? Welcome to Superior Numbers, where I try to do some numerical analysis on the popularity of a card using more math and less snark than in my usual column. […]
60 to 100 — Wydwen Calls To Her Kin

60 to 100 — Wydwen Calls To Her Kin

Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan
Howdy all my friends and fellow spell slingers! I hope your weekend wasn't bogged down with too many s! Masters 25 is out and reprints are everywhere! I know the community at large is a bit sour on the set, but being able to get on the cheap again is something this guy won't ever […]