
Underdog's Corner — Whisper, Blood Liturgist

Underdog's Corner — Whisper, Blood Liturgist

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Lemme Whisper in Your Ear Hello, readers! Welcome back to another installment of the Underdog's Corner! As always, thank you so much for reading! If you've been away for a while, or you are a new reader welcome to the the third installment of our mini-series focused on the new legends from Dominaria! With so […]
Commander Showdown — Landfall Battle Royale

Commander Showdown — Landfall Battle Royale

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Let the Land Fall Welcome back to the Commander Showdown, the series where we pit similar-ish commanders against each other to analyze differences in card selection and strategy. Normally, I like to analyze two commanders at a time, such as Jodah vs Ramos's five-color face-off, or Marath vs Ghave's counter-token-combo matchup. However, this week we're discussing not […]
Combining Hobbies — The Deceptive Tribal

Combining Hobbies — The Deceptive Tribal

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hey Everyone, Kya here! It's been a long few weeks since my last article! I've been out of town quite a bit recently and sadly haven't yet played any Battlebond. Despite my busy schedule though I've always been able to keep getting my game on! It's always interesting going to different parts of the country […]
The Knowledge Pool — Kresh the Bloodbraided

The Knowledge Pool — Kresh the Bloodbraided

Scot Sutton
Scot Sutton
Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! Most commanders have an obvious theme and encourage us to play specific cards. This is apparent when we consider the decks I've presented so far. Mayael wants us to play with big creatures, Trostani wants us to make tokens, and Kydele wants to untap. I personally love […]
Combining Hobbies — All Hail the God-Walker

Combining Hobbies — All Hail the God-Walker

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hey everyone! Kya here! Welcome back to another edition of Combining Hobbies. My Tyranid army has grown considerably already since my last article. Warhammer is definitely fun but nothing really fills that need for the occasional EDH game. Something just feels comforting sitting at a table with friends and slinging spells. Speaking of Tyranids though, […]
General Medicine — Savra's Supreme Sacrifice Engine

General Medicine — Savra's Supreme Sacrifice Engine

Robin Kaas
Robin Kaas
Welcome back friends to another edition of General Medicine! Today we’re taking a look at a two-color deck very much built around the commander championing it, Peter’s brew of ! But before we get into the list and a preliminary diagnosis, I want to expand upon the color pairing in general. Golgari in EDH I […]
The Scrambleverse — Enchantment Creatures

The Scrambleverse — Enchantment Creatures

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Hello again fellow Planeswalkers! Back again with another episode of The Scrambleverse, where we embrace the jank, create the unexpected, throw off our opponents, and, of course, scramble the game. Before we start, I just want to thank everyone who read and enjoyed my previous article, I got numerous great comments and feedback! This time […]
Underdog's Corner — Sedris, the Traitor King

Underdog's Corner — Sedris, the Traitor King

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Brought Back to Life Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of the Underdog's Corner! If this is your first time, this series is all about covering the underplayed, unrecognized, and outshined commanders of our format. Overall popularity is the most common way we identify underdogs, but I've shown in the past that it […]
General Medicine — Horobi's Not Jank!

General Medicine — Horobi's Not Jank!

Robin Kaas
Robin Kaas
Welcome back, dear readers! Today, since we've had two weeks of five-colored decks, we're taking a step back from rainbow manabases and instead we're going to focus on but a single color: black. Our patient is reader Sara's deck. Before we get into it, however, we should discuss the broader perspectives. Mono-colored Decks in EDH […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Taigam, Sidisi's Hand

Ultra Budget Brews — Taigam, Sidisi's Hand

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Hello, and welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article that builds entire EDH decks on the cheap. By cheap, we're talking $1 or less. If you've been playing Magic for any time at all, you know it doesn't get much cheaper than that. Last time I gave you all 5 commanders […]