release to the wind
Ultra Budget Brews - Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty
Imoti says it's time to celebrate a super-budget bounty!
Underdog's Corner — Sedris, the Traitor King
Brought Back to Life Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of the Underdog's Corner! If this is your first time, this series is all about covering the underplayed, unrecognized, and outshined commanders of our format. Overall popularity is the most common way we identify underdogs, but I've shown in the past that it […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Rivals of Ixalan
Hello, and welcome to a special edition of Ultra Budget Brews! Today we will look at budget cards from Rivals of Ixalan, but we will be doing so in a manner that's a bit different than normal. You see, I love movies. Growing up, I watched movies fairly often, but once I got to college […]
Rivals of Ixalan EDH Review — Top Ten
Hello all, Today I have the pleasure to bring you the Top Ten EDH cards from the newest Magic: The Gathering expansion, Rivals of Ixalan. Now... what makes a card fit into the Top Ten? I think a card makes the cut via a combination of power and the ability to see play in multiple […]
EDHREC Rivals of Ixalan Review — Blue
The Tide Rises The race is on! The many tribes in Rivals of Ixalan seek to control the legendary city of Orazca and harness its power. If you want to win the city's blessing, you'd better know what you're up against, including whatever mysteries lurk in the depths. Let's into a review of Rivals of Ixalan's most […]