Weird Harvest — Pharika, Plague Politics
Hello everyone and welcome to the first installment of Weird Harvest. Over the course of this series I hope to impress upon all of you one of my favorite elements of EDH, and that is using jank during our build process to disrupt our opponents. You may ask yourself, “Why would I ever intentionally put […]
Intellectual Offering — Mathas, Fiend Seeker
This week I’m dropping the flavorful approach in favor of a more direct contribution. It was a fun experiment and may come back in the future, but for now I just want to talk unhindered about a sweet new card from Commander 2017 (C17). A Brief Aside But first just a couple thoughts on the […]
Commander Showdown — Zur vs Bruna
Commander Showdown is a series that compares and contrast two similar commanders, analyzes differences in strategy and deck construction, and evaluates how those differences are represented by the data here on EDHREC. Modern Masters 2017 has been out for a few weeks now, and hopefully you've had the chance to draft the set a few […]
Singleton Guild Wheel — Daxos' Enchanted Edition
This article is part 6 of a 10 part series covering the Singleton Guild Wheel Project, a 10 deck project where there is only a single copy of any non-basic land among the 10 decks. Each deck uses the color combination of a different Ravnican guild. The methodology is introduced here and expanded upon each week […]
Alternative Outcomes — Zur, Master Reanimator
Welcome to the home of Alternative Outcomes, a series of self-expression through the development and brewing of alternative builds, often of popular commanders. The name’s “Dev”, and I will be your guide on these journeys. I have been a proud Magic: the Gathering player for over fifteen years and have competitive experience across multiple formats. […]
Trinkets & Tools — The Siege Cycle
Is anybody sick of artifacts yet? Aether Revolt is still fresh but this week's Trinkets & Tools is going to be shifting gears and talking about enchantments (a cycle of five to be exact), all five Siege enchantments from Fate Reforged! This article is going to be moving a little bit quicker than usual so I can cover […]
Competitive Nature — Rafiq of the Many
Welcome back! This week, we look to beef up another “average” deck to make it more competitive. EDH offers several different avenues to attack. Last time, we looked at where the objective was to quickly assemble a combo that leveraged our graveyard and kill all our opponents in one continuous loop. The deck played grindy, value-based […]
Trinkets & Tools — Birthing Pod
Hello everyone! My name is Dom, and I'm primarily an EDH and Draft player. I played Magic on and off since the original Mirrodin block up until Lorwyn, but then took a long break until I came back for good right before Theros. My favorite aspect of the game is brewing, and I think that is […]