Shape Anew - Atraxa's Sagas
Ataxa, as it turns out, is a huge lore buff. Let's tell her some Sagas.
Conditions Allow - Rohgahh of Kher Keep
It's a Kobold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em.
Uncommonders - Tiana, Boros Enchantress
DM Cross
Feather isn't the only Boros Angel who can recur useful spells.
Replacement Commanders - Cultivating Some Violence!
DM Cross
Kestia is the Bestia Hello again, lovely readers! It is I, Seth Cross, and we are back with yet another installment of Replacement Commanders! This series is dedicated to all the unloved legendary creatures that get printed in the annual Commander product decks but are not the face cards of the decks themselves. While everyone […]
Playgroup Brews - Commander 2018 (Pt 1)
Our Mission Howdy readers! We’ve finished another set review, and it’s time for another round of Playgroup Brews! A lot of people have had mixed feelings about Commander 2018, but I think we can all agree that we’ve gotten some really interesting commanders to play with and brew! This article isn’t going to be […]
Commander 2018 Set Review - Green
Green SMASH! Hi everyone! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Scot, and I write the Knowledge Pool series here on EDHREC. I'm a Temur player at heart and a Timmy in Commander. I like to approach deck building through an analytical lens, leading to decks that win through controlled smashing. With Commander […]
The Scrambleverse — Pacifism Control
Greetings Readers! It's your friendly neighborhood jank crafter again! Sorry for not having an article for you last time, but I didn't have internet while I was out of the country. While I was out there, I took a picture list of all of the Dominaria commanders, because I wanted to try something new with […]
The Scrambleverse — Enchantment Creatures
Hello again fellow Planeswalkers! Back again with another episode of The Scrambleverse, where we embrace the jank, create the unexpected, throw off our opponents, and, of course, scramble the game. Before we start, I just want to thank everyone who read and enjoyed my previous article, I got numerous great comments and feedback! This time […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Anax and Cymede
Aura of Heroes Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, a weekly series where I share an EDH deck tech that costs $20 or less. For the third AJH post, we’re taking the typical Boros approach and going aggro. However, we will be taking an enchantment approach with some heroic help from [[Anax and Cymede]]. This week, […]
Weird Harvest — Control Denied
It’s that time again! Welcome back to Weird Harvest, where misfit commanders wield forgotten spells to create head scratching situations. This week we tackle a reader request from Darrenn E Canton! He asked if we could break . We’re going to shatter this jank commander or die trying. Ertai: Just Add Oil This commander is […]