emmara soul of the accord
Wombo Combo - Best Selesnya Combos in EDH
Find the best combos to level up your Selesnya decks.
Finding Homes for Janky Cards - Emmara, Soul of the Accord
Jordan drives Emmara to her favorite destination: a super-budget Vehicles deck!
Cabaretti Cacophony Precon Upgrade Guide
Looking to party with the Cabaretti? Jevin's got some tips & tricks!
Challenge the Stats – The Selesnya Special with Mr. Matt Morgan
Underplayed Selesnya cards? Jevin enlists Matt Morgan to challenge the stats!
Underdog's Corner - Emmara, Soul of the Accord
Year-End Celebration Hello, everyone and welcome to a very special December edition of the Underdog's Corner! This week, we return to Ravnica after taking a brief visit to the with Davvol. We're not quite back to our regular programming yet, despite returning to Ravnica, so why is this article special? Two reasons: First, this marks […]
60 to 100 - Doubling Down with Emmara
Mara Jade, Meet Emmara Tandris Welcome once again, party people! Thanks for coming back to our (usually) bi-weekly article series that crosses the streams of 60-card formats and our 100-card singleton format. This week is something near and dear to my heart. It's doubly special because... well, it's all about doubling things! Tokens, specifically. Do […]
Cure for the Common Game - The 340's
My name is Brian Canada, and I am building a deck for every single commander. I am building a commander deck of every legal legendary creature, and most importantly, keeping that deck together and ready to play. The end goal is to have every possible deck at once. This is quite an undertaking, since Wizards is still […]
Guilds of Ravnica Set Review - Selesnya
Selesny-Yeah! The day is here, everyone! It's time for fellow green-white enthusiast Mason Brantley and I to let our collective jimmies rustle to the maximum. It's the Selesnya review for the upcoming set of Guilds of Ravnica! Whenever white teams up with green in this Magic: the Gathering world, you can bet your dice bag I'm paying attention, […]