Back to Basics - The Top 10 Most Played Selesnya Cards in Commander
Looking for the top green-white cards to add to your next Selesnya brew?
2024’s EDHighlights - Kudo, King Among Bears
Bear down on your opponents with a Kudo deck!
Technically Playable - Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
Build a tokens deck with classic Selesnya commander, Trostani!
Wombo Combo - Best Selesnya Combos in EDH
Find the best combos to level up your Selesnya decks.
Technically Playable - Gluntch, the Bestower
Have friends (or opponents) who might want to hug a Jellyfish? Paul gives us the best of Gluntch Group Hug in the latest Technically Playable installment.
Singleton Shmingleton - Lifegain EDH Deck with Congregate
Build a green white Lifegain deck with Lord of the Rings commander, Aragorn and Arwen, Wed!
Virtue and Valor - Precon Upgrade Guide
Beth's back, looking at how to kick things up a notch with the Virtue and Valor precon, from Wilds of Eldraine.
Epic Experiment - Tolsimir
Looking for a new take on Selesnya Wolves? Bernardo's got your back!
Archetune-Up - The Hunter's Blades
Drizzt gets a fix-up! How does this legendary figure command an EDH deck?