Replacement Commanders - Cultivating Some Violence!
DM Cross
Kestia is the Bestia Hello again, lovely readers! It is I, Seth Cross, and we are back with yet another installment of Replacement Commanders! This series is dedicated to all the unloved legendary creatures that get printed in the annual Commander product decks but are not the face cards of the decks themselves. While everyone […]
Replacement Commanders - The Enchanted Waters
DM Cross
The Real Sun's Champion We are back (back again!) my lovely readers, and I need to ask you to sit down, lean back, and get ready for another installment of Replacement Commanders! This series shines a spotlight on the legendary creatures from the annual Commander precon decks that aren't the face card on the packaging, […]
Underdog's Corner - Kestia, the Cultivator
Bringing Back Standards Hello everyone, and welcome back to the latest edition of the Underdog’s Corner. For this week’s installment, we’re going to take a page out of Matt Morgan’s playbook and adapt a 60-card deck into a deck for Commander! Why? Well, for a bit of background on myself, I’ve been a Commander player […]
Playgroup Brews - Commander 2018 (Pt 1)
Our Mission Howdy readers! We’ve finished another set review, and it’s time for another round of Playgroup Brews! A lot of people have had mixed feelings about Commander 2018, but I think we can all agree that we’ve gotten some really interesting commanders to play with and brew! This article isn’t going to be […]
60 to 100 - Estrid's Boggling Bant-chantress!
Mind "Bogle"-ing Greetings once again to all my friends (and to readers who aren't my friends)! Here we are in a post-Commander 2018 world where Wizards of the Coast gives us a whole set devoted only to our beloved highlander format. This week, we'll get a glimpse into what I've been jonesing to build for […]
Commander 2018 Set Review - Gold (Pt 1)
Commander 2018 It is finally that time! Commander 2018 is here! I've described this release as a Commander player's Super Bowl, and this year's new legends don't disappoint. In the first five years of its lifetime, the Commander products were done in full color cycles. After that, with Commander 2017, the product was reduced to […]
Commander Showdown - Arcades vs Doran
Defense is the Best Offense I'll be honest, the first time I glanced through Core Set 2019, I wasn't super impressed. With s and s, I was dubious that the set would contain interesting goodies for our beloved format. Even some of the Elder Dragons, such as , left me skeptical. Then was revealed. Now this is an […]
Core Set 2019 Review -- Gold
A GOLDEN Set Review! Hello everyone! Your ridiculous, friendly, neighborhood Jank-Crafter is here to once again provide a set review! I am so excited to talk about the Elder Dragons from another incredible set. I’ve been having a blast writing this article and coming up with deck ideas for each of them! However, before we start […]
60 to 100 — Derevi's Merfolk Mashup
Welcome back everyone to your favorite players favorite article series (citation needed)! I hope you all had a great break and a blast as Rivals of Ixalan cards find their ways into your decks and your hearts. Hopefully you all have found something new to add into your pet decks and something new to get […]
60 to 100 — The Greatest (God-Pharaoh's) Gift
Smell that? No, not your weird uncle and his "cologne", that he keeps hanging from his rear-view window. Yes, that other smell. The good one. It's that post-Pro Tour smell. Some innovation popped up like I told you it would, and, since I am a man of my word, I'm here to jam the most […]