Non-Basically Speaking - Breya, Etherium Shaper
Hello friends and fellow artificers, welcome back to EDHREC and our continuing biweekly column, Non-Basically Speaking, the series that strives to identify non-basic lands that should be considered valuable staples or hidden gems based on their visibility on EDHREC. Assuming that the average reader has successfully tuned their decks with regards to mana base, a healthy portion […]
Alternative Outcomes — Breya
Welcome to the home of Alternative Outcomes, a series of self-expression through the development and brewing of alternative builds, often of popular commanders. The name’s “Dev”, and I will be your guide on these journeys. I have proudly played Magic the Gathering player for over fifteen years with competitive experience across multiple formats. EDH, to me, […]
Trinkets & Tools — Prototype Portal
Welcome back to another edition of Trinkets & Tools, the series about "build-around" artifacts and enchantments in EDH! We're fresh off the heels of Aether Revolt, a set that included a number of exciting new artifacts for our format. So while artifacts are on everyone's minds, let's talk about an older artifact that often finds a […]
Trinkets & Tools — Birthing Pod
Hello everyone! My name is Dom, and I'm primarily an EDH and Draft player. I played Magic on and off since the original Mirrodin block up until Lorwyn, but then took a long break until I came back for good right before Theros. My favorite aspect of the game is brewing, and I think that is […]
Intellectual Offering — Breya, Etherium Shaper
That’s right; Commander 2016 is here, and that means it’s time to proclaim your favorite commander as fast as possible lest someone else in your playgroup snaps them up. Time to begin the never-ending process of tweaking and reassembling that comes with a new deck. Everyone has their opinion of what cuts to make and […]