Burning Inquiry — The Cult of Ludevic and Sidar Kondo
I was involved in a cult once. Usually quite a calculated and reasonable man, one day I learned it was the will of Zedruu that I must submit to. Of course things began harmlessly enough: It is the will of Zedruu that you have... this . It is no longer burdened by counters. Enjoy. I will be over […]
Underdog's Corner — Basandra, Battle Seraph
This article is Round 12 of the Underdog’s Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article makes the argument for a single commander that deserves more play, as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. War! What is it good for? Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to the dozenth edition […]
Combo Corner — The Scarab God
Not too long ago, the plane of Amonkhet learned of the existence of three previously unknown gods that might actually be more powerful than the ones they know and love. Some of you may know this already, but I recently made a deck with for the Commander Time! podcast with the purpose of facing off against […]
EDHREC News Update — MTGO Commander Update + Hour of Devastation Reviews!
Well hey there everyone! Thanks for stopping by again for another news update. Wizards of the Coast announced (another) update for their Commander support on Magic Online. There is lots of good news to go over for all you MTGO players, so we'll get right to it! Splitting Hairs From the announcement here: With […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Tibor and Lumia
Welcome back to Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that builds EDH decks where every card costs less than $1. Up to this point, the decks I brewed for this column are ones that I personally owned and played. Writing about these decks was fairly easy, because I had a decent amount of real world […]
Commander Showdown — The Locust God vs Niv-Mizzet
A Plague of Locusts Upon Your House Hour of Devastation is almost upon us, and there are some awesome preview cards on the horizon. We've seen Theros gods and Amonkhet gods before, but we've never seen plague gods. Scorpions and scarabs are terrifying, but the one that frightens me most is . This giant insect will cost you […]
Partner Focus — Reyhan, Last of the Abzan
is one lonely (and angry) warrior khan. As her comrades die around her, she rallies strength from their sacrifice and inspires the rest of the troops under her command. That inspiration is a fluid that flows from the fallen to the survivors in her presence. Whenever a creature you control dies or is put into […]
60 to 100 — Affinity for Everyone
This week we get deeply personal on 60 to 100. Not because the deck is inspired by something that I love and have played in depth. Nope. This week we're playing an archetype that I hate with a passion. As a Merfolk player in Modern there is one notoriously bad matchup that I dread. Every […]
Hour of Devastation Review — Gold, Split, Artifacts and Lands
Hello friends and worshipers of the God-Pharaoh. Welcome to EDHREC's final Commander set review of Hour of Devastation - gold cards, split cards, artifacts and non-basic lands! We have a lot to cover, so let's get started! I Love Goooooold!!!! Bloodwater Entity You know a set is powerful for Commander when you open the […]
Hour of Devastation EDH Review — Red
You read this byline correctly, it is I, Jason Alt, long-time behind-the-scenes manager of content on this site, contributing a piece to EDHREC. And why not? Our other authors writing an EDH review of the cards in Hour of Devastation looked like so much fun that I had to try it for myself. I chose […]