In the Margins — Explosive Vegetation
Currently, there are 24,011 decks in the EDHREC database running and not a single one of them should have it as part of the 99. Welcome back to In the Margins, a periodic column where I say that 24,000+ decks are doing it wrong, because if there's one thing I've learned about people on the Internet […]
Underdog's Corner — Sedris, the Traitor King
Brought Back to Life Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of the Underdog's Corner! If this is your first time, this series is all about covering the underplayed, unrecognized, and outshined commanders of our format. Overall popularity is the most common way we identify underdogs, but I've shown in the past that it […]
Historically Speaking — Emperors, Stones, and Suns
There are certain types of people who simply seem to be followed in the course of their lives by a symphonic heavy metal soundtrack. The Mexica king, Axayacatl, is a prime example of such people. Even factoring in the Mexica empire’s substantial love of theatre, violence, and theatrical violence, his personal comportment stands out. Axayactl […]
Commander Replay — Jodah 5 Color Cheatyface
Jodah 5 color cheatyface! Wise man say forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza. Decklist:
General Medicine — Horobi's Not Jank!
Welcome back, dear readers! Today, since we've had two weeks of five-colored decks, we're taking a step back from rainbow manabases and instead we're going to focus on but a single color: black. Our patient is reader Sara's deck. Before we get into it, however, we should discuss the broader perspectives. Mono-colored Decks in EDH […]
The Knowledge Pool — Kydele & Thrasios Part 2
Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool. This week we will be doing a continuation of our series on Kydele & Thrasios as commanders of a UG combo style deck. If you have not yet read Part 1, I strongly encourage that you do so. Part 1 can be found here. Efficient Evolution Last […]
Dig Through Time — Betrayers of Kamigawa
Hoooleeeee crap, it has been awhile. But! Dig Through Time is back today with a review of the second set of the infamous Kamigawa block—Betrayers of Kamigawa. This set came out 13 years ago in 2005 (can you believe that 2005 was 13 years ago?) and introduced one of the most popular, most requested aspects […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Taigam, Sidisi's Hand
Hello, and welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article that builds entire EDH decks on the cheap. By cheap, we're talking $1 or less. If you've been playing Magic for any time at all, you know it doesn't get much cheaper than that. Last time I gave you all 5 commanders […]
EDHREC Dominaria Set Review — Multicolored Part 2
Multicolored Madness Dominaria is here, and it's full of so many legendary creatures we've barely been able to keep up! There are so many amazing multicolored cards in the new set that we've split the Set Review for multicolored cards in twain; check out the review of uncommon legendary creatures by fellow writer Mason Brantley, […]
EDHREC Dominaria Set Review — Colorless, Artifacts & Lands
Dominaria is teeming with nostalgia, so much more so than that Masters set specifically designed to celebrate Magic's past (I'm looking at you Masters 25). Dominaria is also teeming with great Commander options, from its startling number of legendary creatures, to its seemingly endless supply of fantastic support cards. While I'm not discussing the myriad […]