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Nearly Identical - Yuriko or Satoru?
What sets these two Dimir ninjutsu commanders apart, and which one comes out on top?
Achievement Unlocked - Which Alt Win Cons Are the Most Satisfying to Win With? Part 2
Which alternate win condition is the most exciting to pull off?
Monomania – Balthor and Associates, Attorneys at Law
Are You Suffering Injuries Related to Demonic Consultation? Balthor has you covered.
Uncommonders - Demons, Deals, and Danger!
DM Cross
Demonic? Check. Chaotic? Check. Binding contract that sells your soul? Check check check.
Core Set 2019 Review—Black
Down to the Core All hail the return of the Core Set! Historically, core sets have not been anything exciting for enfranchised players. They may have held a card or two like or , but those were usually pearls amongst the pig's feet. The last Core Set was Magic Origins, which was wildly popular, as it […]