EDH Player Psychographics — Winning Like a Herm
Some play EDH for fun. Some play to socialize. Some play to make friends, or cast cards they can't cast in other formats. And then there are those who play for one reason and one reason only. (In the following video, please substitute the word "sports" with "Elder Dragon Highlander.") If you're a Herm or […]
The Knowledge Pool — Kresh the Bloodbraided
Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! Most commanders have an obvious theme and encourage us to play specific cards. This is apparent when we consider the decks I've presented so far. Mayael wants us to play with big creatures, Trostani wants us to make tokens, and Kydele wants to untap. I personally love […]
60 to 100 — A Less Constricted Muldrotha
Well hey there party people! It's been a while hasn't it? Hopefully you didn't miss our forays and fun too much. I'm back this week with a deck that, of course, I love because if you've been listening to the EDHRECast(which you should be!) you'll know that I was so confident in this being the […]
Uncommonders — Flames and Forges
DM Cross
Hmm? Article? What do you mean arti- Oh, THOSE articles! Hello again, beloved readers! My name is Seth “DM” Cross and you guessed it; this is another installment of Uncommonder. This series was originally inspired by the fact that Dominaria came fully equipped twenty legendary creatures (also commonly referred to as commanders or generals in […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Dominaria Set Review
Hello, and welcome back to another addition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that (typically) builds entire EDH decks in which no card costs more than $1. If you are an astute reader, you'll probably see the word 'typically' and assume that today is a bit different than normal. Or, you know, you may […]
Commander Showdown — Valduk vs Kemba
Red & White Equipment Red and white are frequently admonished for their weaknesses in the Commander format. Both colors have limited access to mana ramp and card draw effects, which makes for a difficult time in a multiplayer environment. In 1-on-1 games like Standard and Modern, Red and White make up for this lack of […]
Combining Hobbies — All Hail the God-Walker
Kya Vess
Hey everyone! Kya here! Welcome back to another edition of Combining Hobbies. My Tyranid army has grown considerably already since my last article. Warhammer is definitely fun but nothing really fills that need for the occasional EDH game. Something just feels comforting sitting at a table with friends and slinging spells. Speaking of Tyranids though, […]
Underdog's Corner — Evra, Halcyon Witness
The Start of a New Age Hello everyone and welcome back to your favorite spotlight series for the under-appreciated! If you have never read this column, welcome! There are many reasons why a commander could be under-appreciated: it could be because of obsolescence, or it's too expensive, or maybe it could be because of narrowness. […]
General Medicine — Savra's Supreme Sacrifice Engine
Welcome back friends to another edition of General Medicine! Today we’re taking a look at a two-color deck very much built around the commander championing it, Peter’s brew of ! But before we get into the list and a preliminary diagnosis, I want to expand upon the color pairing in general. Golgari in EDH I […]
An Introduction to EDH Player Psychographics
Have you ever taken one of those Facebook personality tests? It's okay to admit it. One can only resist the "Which Game of Thrones Character Are You?" quiz for so long. (I got Ned Stark, so I hope I'm not beheaded before I finish this article.) Since I'm a longtime EDH player, I wondered how […]