
Librarian Lore — A Matter Not So Black and White

Librarian Lore — A Matter Not So Black and White

Casey Spark
Casey Spark
Welcome back to Librarian Lore faithful readers. Today we’ll be exploring the legend and lore of the knight and see if they are so worthy of their title of hero in shining armor after all… When most kids had their favorite superhero growing up, yours truly was enthralled by the likes of St. George and […]
Underdog's Corner — Whisper, Blood Liturgist

Underdog's Corner — Whisper, Blood Liturgist

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Lemme Whisper in Your Ear Hello, readers! Welcome back to another installment of the Underdog's Corner! As always, thank you so much for reading! If you've been away for a while, or you are a new reader welcome to the the third installment of our mini-series focused on the new legends from Dominaria! With so […]
60 to 100 Takeover — Azor the Lawbringer

60 to 100 Takeover — Azor the Lawbringer

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Hello and welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget...wait a second. I feel something. Do you feel it too? It feels as if a great weight has been lifted. As if my hands that have been ceaselessly shackled are now free. As if...I am no longer restricted by a budget. Also, as if a […]
The Scrambleverse — Pacifism Control

The Scrambleverse — Pacifism Control

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Greetings Readers! It's your friendly neighborhood jank crafter again! Sorry for not having an article for you last time, but I didn't have internet while I was out of the country. While I was out there, I took a picture list of all of the Dominaria commanders, because I wanted to try something new with […]
Commander Showdown — Landfall Battle Royale

Commander Showdown — Landfall Battle Royale

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Let the Land Fall Welcome back to the Commander Showdown, the series where we pit similar-ish commanders against each other to analyze differences in card selection and strategy. Normally, I like to analyze two commanders at a time, such as Jodah vs Ramos's five-color face-off, or Marath vs Ghave's counter-token-combo matchup. However, this week we're discussing not […]
Combining Hobbies — The Deceptive Tribal

Combining Hobbies — The Deceptive Tribal

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Hey Everyone, Kya here! It's been a long few weeks since my last article! I've been out of town quite a bit recently and sadly haven't yet played any Battlebond. Despite my busy schedule though I've always been able to keep getting my game on! It's always interesting going to different parts of the country […]
Commander Cookout  — Darigaaz the Igniter Block Constructed

Commander Cookout — Darigaaz the Igniter Block Constructed

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight
Hello and welcome to another episode of Commander Cookout Podcast! This week, Brando and Ryan discuss an awesome build and budget constraint type deck. The commander, Old Darigaaz. You can peep the list here: If you'd like to know more about our Firesong and Sunspeaker deck giveaway, you can take a look at the […]
Commander Time! — Belzenlok, Whisper, Josu Vess

Commander Time! — Belzenlok, Whisper, Josu Vess

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight
We brewed mono black commanders from Dominaria! Patrick draws big spells with Demonlord Belzenlok. Dean plays leapfrog with the graveyard using Whisper Blood Liturgist. Nate reviews how to build tribal decks with the zombie Josu Vess Lich Knight. [email protected] @commandtime @grubfellow @misterplorg @detectiveyarmas
The Mana Source — Top 10 Best Reserved List Cards under $20 to Buy RIGHT NOW

The Mana Source — Top 10 Best Reserved List Cards under $20 to Buy RIGHT NOW

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight
Click this link to see the Reserved List Cheapos: This video is sponsored by Support the channel with Patreon - Follow us on Twitter! - Like us on Facebook! - Live Stream: Logo courtesy of Kelly R. - Intro courtesy of Bad Asteroid - Remember to subscribe […]
MTG MuddStah — Daretti vs Surrak vs Sen Triplets vs Ghave

MTG MuddStah — Daretti vs Surrak vs Sen Triplets vs Ghave

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight
►Like what you see? Why not subscribe: ►You can now support me through Patreon: ►New videos every Monday / Thursday at 11AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) ►Watch me play EDH / CMDR on Twitch: ►You can now buy MTG Muddstah playmats: ►Richard Kane Ferguson mats: New filter = better? Let […]