Let's Brawl — Breaking Parity
You slam onto the table and smirk. You smell fear in the air as you shuffle 59 cards and the other three players shy their eyes away. Since you have prepared lots of powerful creatures to plow over the competition, you assume the game will be quick. You may have even prepared against the competition […]
Core Set 2019 Review - Green
Green With Envy Hello everyone and welcome to EDHREC's review for the newest Magic set, Core Set 2019! You might think that barely any time at all has passed since our Battlebond set review (and you would be correct), but the exciting part about it is that we have more new Magic cards to talk about! […]
Core Set 2019 Review — Blue
A Very Blue Review That's right my friends and foes, you read this correctly. Someway, somehow, the powers that be not only give me a black set review a while back, but they thought it was so compelling that they let me do a Commander set review for blue cards too! Me, the guy who […]
Core Set 2019 Review — Red
Where Are My Dragons? Welcome to the EDHREC Red Set Review for Core Set 2019. We have some exciting new fire-breathers to look over, so let's get right to it. Sarkhan Three mana for a planeswalker is a good start. It will take a while to get to the ultimate, but neither +1 ability is bad, […]
EDH Player Psychographics - Mackenzies and the Big Bucks
Mackenzie Welcome back to another edition of EDH Player Psychographics! Today, let's talk about Mackenzies. To be a Mackenzie, one need not wear a bone helmet, grow a beard, or hang out near Stonehenge (though I suppose you can if you'd like). In terms of EDH Player Psychographics, Mackenzies are those who enjoy playing expensive cards. […]
Dictate of Don — Improving our Chances for Zndrsplt/Okaun One-Hit Kills
When I first saw Okaun I knew there would be some weirdness in being able to move in for the kill with him, in particular with splashy one-hit kills. This isn't normal for Magic as chance doesn't usually determine life or death, so knowing the odds can really help influence our deck building decisions and […]
Commander Showdown -- Sharuum vs Breya
Agents of Artifice At long last, our Artifact Commander Showdown is here! These two commanders have been the runners-up in the post-article votes, but they're certainly not runners-up in games of EDH! You know them well: , the enigmatic metal sphinx, and and , the four-color queen of Thopters! These commanders rule over all things […]
Combining Hobbies — Martial Prowess
Kya Vess
Hey Everyone! Kya here once again! I hope everyone is doing well and continuing to pour their heart and souls into their favorite hobbies. I know for me this month has been crazy. Between EDH, Warhammer, and Cosplay, there leaves little time to relax. However it's dawned on me that I've been slacking on probably […]
Uncommonders — Simic Silver Value Fish!
DM Cross
Hello, lovely readers! It looks like it is about that time again, where we look at some of the most interesting legendary creatures in the game. Of course, I am talking about those that did not come with a rare or mythic rarity, but the silver-stamped uncommon commanders known as Uncommonders (at least, here that […]
General Medicine — Traxos, Scourge of Untaps!
Welcome back, readers, to General Medicine, the column where I take your decks, give it a whirl inside our EDHREC tech-o-matic 5000, add my own flavor, and present an enhanced version of your creations to unleash upon your local playgroup. This time, we're taking a look at Clayton's list, but before we get into it, […]