Monomania Takes on Theros – Sneakers and Creepers
The new Purphoros has some amazing new toys to play with!
How to Play the Prismari Performance Precon in EDH
This is the complete guide to successfully piloting the Prismari Performance preconstructed deck, commanded by Zaffai, Thunder Conductor. This guide contains everything needed to pilot the deck to victory straight out of the box!
Silverquill Statement Upgrade Guide
Welcome to the Nitpicking Nerds Precon Upgrade Guide for the Silverquill Statement deck, where we cut the chaff and supercharge precon decks!
How to Play the Spirit Squadron Precon in EDH
This is the complete guide to playing the Spirit Squadron preconstructed deck, commanded by Millicent, Restless Revenant. This guide contains all the information needed to pilot the deck to victory straight out of the box!
Spirit Squadron Upgrade Guide
Welcome to the Nitpicking Nerds Precon Upgrade Guide for the Spirit Squadron deck, where we cut the chaff and add synergy, power, and consistency so that this deck can generate a formidable Spirit army!
How to Play the Vampiric Bloodline Precon in EDH
This is the complete guide to successfully piloting the Vampiric Bloodline preconstructed deck, led by Strefan, Maurer Progenitor. This guide holds all the information needed to pilot the deck to victory straight from the box!
Vampiric Bloodline Upgrade Guide
Welcome to the Nitpicking Nerds Precon Upgrade Guide for the Vampiric Bloodline deck, where we remove the suboptimal cards and replace them with synergy, power, and consistency in order for this deck to turn into an unstoppable Blood factory!
How to Play the Silverquill Statement Precon in EDH
This is the complete guide to successfully piloting the Silverquill Statement preconstructed deck, commanded by [el]Breena, the Demagogue[/el]. This guide holds all the information needed to maneuver the deck to victory straight from the box!
EDHRECast Ep94 - The Epic Theros Set Review Crossover
This isn't just any set review! EDHRECast, CMDR Central, Commander Cookout, and Commander Social have embarked upon an epic odyssey crossover to review all the amazing new cards from Theros Beyond Death! This is part FOUR, where members of each show have gathered to discuss the best legendary creatures of the set. Which one will […]
Theros Beyond Death Set Review – Gold
Time to review the multicolored cards from Theros Beyond Death!