Ultra Budget Brews - Rashmi, Eternities Crafter
Rashmi gets the ultra-budget treatment!
60 to 100 - Korvold the Value-Cursed King
Taking Standard's Jund Food deck and turning it into an EDH deck!
Superior Numbers - The Anatomy of an Upgrade
How do you add new cards to an old deck? Dana walks through his procedures.
Archetune-Up - A New Hope
Help me, Hopey-Wan Kenobi. You're my only Hope... of Ghirapur.
The Toolbox - Mindclaw Shaman
Stealing spells from your enemy? This might be a creature you need in your toolbox.
Mind Bend - Walkerless Superfriends
Let's build a planeswalker deck... with no planeswalkers!
Ranking Every Land with EDHREC – Part 23: Reflecting Pool (Not the Tempest One)
Ranking every land in EDH using EDHREC!
EDHRECast Ep95 - Your Deck's Achilles Heel
Just like Achilles, every Commander deck has a secret weakness. It's not about opponents having the perfect answer to your strategy - sometimes there's a hidden weak point in the deck itself... one the deck brewer may not even know, that can be the deck's downfall. Today the EDHRECast digs through tons of deck archetypes […]